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This guide explains and summarises CLEAPSS advice on why food and drink should never be consumed in a science lab. it also gives links to our no eating or drinking in a lab poster.
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This striking demonstration can show students how atmospheric pressure - and pressure differences can cause a 330ml drinks can to be crushed.
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A mixture of hydrogen and air is prepared in a small plastic ‘fizzy drinks’ bottle and then ignited, so that the bottle travels, rocket-like, some distance.
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Instructions, including control measures, for safely preparing and demonstrating shooting a bung from a soft drinks bottle (the 'gun').
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This edition includes notes on a serious accident which happened to an inexperienced teacher, exploding spirit burners, drinking bottled water in science lessons, and an accident during an open eveni..
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Risk assessed instructions and control measures for demonstrating this gas-powered rocket.
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This edition includes a note on the death of the first CLEAPSS director, and other notes on the final CLEAPSS CD, eating and drinking in the laboratory, the dangers of Chinese lanterns, automatic auto..
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An unambiguous poster to be displayed prominently in laboratories to reinforce laboratory rules.
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In this edition are notes on poorly manufactured and unsafe Bunsen burners, not allowing drinking from bottled water in labs, a recommendation to demonstrate the smoking machine using a fume cupboard,..
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This edition includes a note from the director on CLEAPSS services, and other notes on Hazcards updates, no eating and drinking in the lab, recording risk assessments, buying Petri dishes, calcium oxi..
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Showing results 1 to 10 of 162