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As well as some basic information on using agar in microbiology, this document includes recipes for over 20 different, commonly-used microbiological agars.
words matched: dextrose
Safely handling a range of sugars, starch and cellulose in practical activities.
words matched: dextrose
Outlines the most common cultures of
bacteria and fungi used in microbiology, and how to store cultures.
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A straightforward method investigating the effect of UV exposure on the growth of UV-sensitive yeast.
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Risk assessment guidance for carbohydrates including various sugars, cellulose and dextrin.
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This guide outlines how to grow, use, store and dispose of Mucor hiemalis. This fungus is a suitable alternative to bacteria when practicing aseptic techniques.
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Ideas on using yeast as a safer alternative for basic microbiology practicals.
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Complete index for the Student Safety Sheets
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This edition includes notes on the Special Waste regulations (1996). a defacto ban on α-toluidine, the wonders of octagonal-shaped benches in the lab, using Fehling's solution, and using Sordaria for ..
words matched: dextrose
Directors editorial, Hazcards 2017 update, changes to the Ionising Radiation Regulations, Good Practical Science - the Gatsby Foundation report, dealing with 'Acid' attacks, IRM vs First Aid, more pro..
words matched: dextrose
Showing results 1 to 10 of 15