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Risk assessment guidance for cyclohexene, dipentene (limonene), ethene (ethylene), ethyne (acetylene), hex-1-ene, oct-1-ene.
words matched: cyclohexene
This document describes how to safely carry out unsaturation tests using bromine solution. There is guidance on minimising the release of toxic gas, and the intense and sometimes unpleasant odour of s..
words matched: cyclohexene
Testing for organic functional groups: unsaturation or double bonds
words matched: cyclohexene
Brief risk assessment guidance and experimental notes for a range of practical activities involving phosphoric(V) acid and its salts (Hazcard 72)
words matched: cyclohexene
Precautions needed when handling a wide range of hydrocarbons safely in practical activities. Includes gases, liquids (including oils) and solid naphthalene.
words matched: cyclohexene
The dehydration of an alcohol to an alkene is commonly studied in post-16 courses. The chemistry of alkenes is also required at GCSE. In this small-scale method, which can be carried out on the open ..
words matched: cyclohexene
Directors update on the new A'Levels, CLEAPSS at the ASE Conference, yet more on taps and water fittings, the disposal of sharps, CLEAPSS suppliers workshop, CLEAPSS makes it guides, the new CLP Hazca..
words matched: cyclohexene
The ‘shelf-life’ of a reagent depends on its chemical properties, how it is stored and how frequently the container is opened, thus exposing the reagent to air, moisture and other contaminants. Over t..
words matched: cyclohexene
Complete index for the Student Safety Sheets
words matched: cyclohexene
Describes and explains the various spectra which are used to identify chemicals. Provides data on the infra red, magnetic resonance, mass and UV spectra for a range of common organics substances.
words matched: cyclohexene
Showing results 1 to 10 of 19