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Showing results 1 to 10 of 415
This guide outlines how to make and use filters in order to view specimens without the use of chemical stains
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Straight forward guidance on the safe use of EHT power supplies, including identifying the various coloured connectors found on common school power supplies
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During this challenge-based activity visiting children learn to follow a written method and pipette dropwise without contaminating samples.
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Small scale 'disappearing cross' methods for investigating the effect of concentration on the rate of the sodium thiosulfate - acid reaction. Includes use of an alkaline 'stop-bath' to neutralise used..
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This edition includes notes on fume cupboard testing, working safely with wood dusts, not using mains-powered open wire radiant heaters, dissecting butchers' bits, an introduction to microscale chemis..
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Instructions on how to make freefall acceleration apparatus using an Arduino microcontroller with homemade switches. See accompanying zip folder GL217a for Arduino code.
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An alternative practical using lipase.
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Offers a straightforward method for investigating the effect of pH on an enzyme.
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A straightforward and commonly-used practical on enzyme activity.
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The common negative ions, carbonate (CO32-),
sulfate(VI) (SO42-) and the halides (Cl–, Br–
and I–) can be simply tested for in test tube reactions. The method
described here uses a more dilute ammo..
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Showing results 1 to 10 of 415