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Instructions on how to make a simple air track to demonstrate collisions
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Various monitoring techniques can be used to investigate how different factors affect the rates of reactions. The thiosulfate-acid ‘disappearing cross’ activity is an example of a clock reaction with .. more
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Extracted and refreshed from section 12 of Handbook, includes a range of traditional dynamics investigations, with instructions and explanations.
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The kinetics of a reaction can be investigated by determining how the rate of the reaction varies with the concentration of the reactants. The Harcourt-Essen method is useful as the reaction kinetics .. more
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The voltage-current (VI) characteristic of an electrical component is a curve which illustrates the relationship between these two quantities. This experiment is normally completed for a set of three .. more
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A straightforward investigation using simple equipment which will allow students to confirm Boyle's law.
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Students have to learn about the gas laws, how properties such as pressure, volume, temperature, and amount of a gas change with respect to each other. With commonly-accessible bits of kit, it is poss.. more
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The Landolt method (potassium iodate(V) and sodium metabisulfite) was the first iodine clock reaction described, and can be used for a simple two-reagent investigation.
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The kinetics of a reaction can be investigated by determining how the rate of the reaction varies with the concentration of the reactants. The 'disappearing pink' method provides an alternative to iod.. more
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Schools are increasingly promoting an inclusive agenda. As a result, science and D&T departments may find students who use medical oxygen are following a normal school curriculum and are in their .. more
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