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Directors editorial, Hazcards 2017 update, changes to the Ionising Radiation Regulations, Good Practical Science - the Gatsby Foundation report, dealing with 'Acid' attacks, IRM vs First Aid, more pro.. more
words matched: agar, choosing

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Guidance outlining the different types of indicator used for making agar cubes for diffusion. It covers how to prepare, use and store the agar. 
words matched: agar, choosing

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Outlines how to prepare for pouring, pouring and storing agar plates, and making slopes.
words matched: agar, choosing

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A straight forward method of how to serially dilute a bacterial broth, and grow colonies, for calculating population density. 
words matched: agar, choosing

Members only resource Click to download Document.
A diagrammatic guide on how to get started with microbiology, outlining the key actions with links to associated guidance.
words matched: agar, choosing

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Outlines the most common cultures of bacteria and fungi used in microbiology, and how to store cultures.
words matched: agar, choosing

Members only resource Click to download Document.
A set of frequently-asked questions, and their answers, on school biology activities. Includes materials from butchers, cheek cell sampling; human body fluids, microbes and others. 
words matched: agar, choosing

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Briefly lists all CLEAPSS documents relevant to school microbiology.
words matched: agar, choosing

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This guide gives general advice about ovens, mini ovens, and air fryers, and their use in school science departments.
words matched: agar, choosing

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes a note from the director on the CLEAPSS safety conference, and other notes on technician training, CLP, sterilising agar, sharps and their disposal, a hydrochloric acid spill and.. more
words matched: agar, choosing

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