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A set of frequently-asked questions, and their answers, on school biology activities. Includes materials from butchers, cheek cell sampling; human body fluids, microbes and others. 
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Guidance and information on a range of biology topics and equipment such as microbiology, tissue culture, biology teaching models, plants, seeds and pesticides, ponds, preserved specimens, respiromete.. more
words matched: biology, cell

Members only resource Click to download Document.
A simple investigation, with clear procedural advice, on looking at how chemicals affect the cytoplasm of red onion epidermal cells.
words matched: biology, cell

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes notes on blood and cheek cell sampling, inappropriate dumping of waste chemicals, and the role and value of the CE mark on equipment.
words matched: biology, cell

Members only resource Click to download Document.
To help students understand how cell membrane integrity is affected by the environment surrounding the cell. Beetroot membranes are a good model for investigating this because the pigments that diffus.. more
words matched: biology, cell

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Bulletin 180 - Summer 2024, in this terms edition :-- Directors editorial- The value of practical work with Dr Ajay Sharman- New methods of staining in biology- Sampling in biology- MiSAC competition .. more
words matched: biology, cell

Members only resource Click to download Document.
An updated procedure to safely look at human cheek cells under the microscope. Includes information on both health and safety and disposal, as well as some suggestions for more detailed work.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Guidance on general laboratory equipment including balances, barometers, calorimeters, cells and batteries, centrifuges, spirit burners and other heating equipment, steam engines, gas cylinders and ge.. more
words matched: biology, cell

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Biology and Physics sections updated and revised in 2024 : This provides authoritative guidance on the use of resources or activities commonly found in school science and which have, in the past, been.. more
words matched: biology, cell

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes the directors message, and notes about new categories of membership, Hazcards update, using liquid nitrogen, human tissues, americium radioactive sources, using WW2 gas masks, et.. more
words matched: biology, cell

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