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Risk assessment guidance for carbohydrates including various sugars, cellulose and dextrin.
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Safely handling a range of sugars, starch and cellulose in practical activities.
words matched: carbohydrates
This document explains how to carry out a circus of qualitative food tests for:carbohydratesstarch – iodine testreducing sugars - Benedict’s testnon-reducing sugars – hydrolysis then Benedict’s test p..
words matched: carbohydrates
Concentrated sulfuric(VI) acid acts as both a dehydrating and oxidising agent with organic material such as carbohydrates. The carbon produced by dehydration is then oxidised to carbon dioxide and car..
words matched: carbohydrates
Safety precautions for practical food testing activities for carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
words matched: carbohydrates
Guidance on the preparation of Benedict’s qualitative solution. This is used to qualitatively test for reducing sugars e.g. glucose, via a colour change
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Contents Page for the Student Safety Sheets
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Guidance on the preparation of food medium used to grow drosophila.
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A complete set of risk-assessed instructions for safely demonstrating the explosive capacity of powders.
words matched: carbohydrates
Covers a wide range of enzymes commonly used in school science, and includes advice on how they can be prepared for use in lessons.
words matched: carbohydrates
Showing results 1 to 10 of 23