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Includes calcium chromate, carbonate and sulfates, and calcium nitrate
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Using sodium and calcium (and potassium and magnesium) carbonates safely in practical work. Includes bicarbonates (also known as hydrogencarbonates). 
words matched: calcium, carbonate

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Guidance on how to prepare (and use) a number of standard solutions required for some titration activities. Solutions described include: sodium carbonate (for standardising strong acid solutions), pot.. more
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Using magnesium and calcium chloride, sulfate and nitrate safely in practical work.
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Risk assessment guidance for Calcium and strontium
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Using calcium hydroxide and oxide safely in practical work. Includes quick lime, slaked lime and limewater.
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This edition includes a note from the director on CLEAPSS services, and other notes on Hazcards updates, no eating and drinking in the lab, recording risk assessments, buying Petri dishes, calcium oxi.. more
words matched: calcium, carbonate

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Brief risk assessment guidance and experimental notes for a range of activities involving copper metal, copper(I) oxide, copper(II) oxide, copper carbonate and copper(II) sulfide (Hazcard 26).
words matched: calcium, carbonate

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Metal carbonates decompose at different temperatures to produce a metal oxide and carbon dioxide gas. This simple activity can be used for qualitative or quantitative activities.
words matched: calcium, carbonate

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In this microscale procedure, students can investigate confirmatory tests for common anions. It provides good talking points for the diffusion of gases and appearance of coloured halos. Students can w.. more
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