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Risk assessment information about red phosphorus. For white/yellow phosphorus, see Hazcard 73A.
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This document describes a demonstration for safely buring red phosporus in air, emulating the traditional burning white phosphorus in a bell jar experiment. The activity also provides a reasonbly accu..
words matched: burning, phosphorus
Risk assessment information for white (or yellow) phosphorus. See Hazcard 73B for red phosphorus).
words matched: burning, phosphorus
Risk assessment guidance for Phosphorus (V) oxide.
words matched: burning, phosphorus
Includes phosphorus III and IV chlorides, (trichloride and pentachloride)
words matched: burning, phosphorus
Health and safety advice on using sulfur and phosphorus in science practical activities. Includes white sulfur which is no longer readily available in the UK.
words matched: burning, phosphorus
This edition includes notes on the security of chemicals in schools, using the, then, new non-rosin solder, a report of an accident when cutting phosphorus, and a tip on how to slice regular-sized pie..
words matched: burning, phosphorus
This edition includes notes on an airgun incident in a school, examining autoclaves and pressure cookers, declining supplies of potassium and phosphorus, a theft of pestles from labs, and tips on cons..
words matched: burning, phosphorus
Gives guidance on preventing and dealing with fires in the context of school science laboratories, including risk assessment, sensible and statutory precautions, fire extinguishers and other fire figh..
words matched: burning, phosphorus
Risk assessment guidance for potassium bromate(V) and iodate(V).
words matched: burning, phosphorus
Showing results 1 to 10 of 337