Latest Resources
Showing results 1 to 10 of 47
Guidance on how to prepare a range of buffer solutions.
words matched: buffers
Contains a wealth of information on the various ways of measuring pH, and the advantage and disadvantage os each. Includes all sorts of background theory which will help the reader make the most appro..
words matched: buffers
Offers a straightforward method for investigating the effect of pH on an enzyme.
words matched: buffers
Guidance on how to prepare 0.2 M solutions of potassium/sodium phosphates and hydrogenphosphates
(used to make buffer solutions).
words matched: buffers
Brief risk assessment guidance and experimental notes for a range of practical activities involving phosphoric(V) acid and its salts (Hazcard 72)
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Brief risk assessment guidance and experimental notes for a range of activities involving ammonium salts (Hazcards 9A and 9B).
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Covers a range of issues and practicalities associated with gene technology experiments in schools including legal and ethical issues as well as an indepth exploration of health and safety topics.
words matched: buffers
Guidance on how to prepare enzyme 'solutions' from solid (powder) or liquid stock. Also includes guidance on the preparation of bile salts (sodium tauroglycocholate) solution.
words matched: buffers
A more straight forward activity than that done traditionally. Includes all practical instructions and some brief notes on DCPIP.
words matched: buffers
This activity can be used as an introduction to microscale drop, or “puddle” chemistry. It demonstrates that indicators do not always change at pH7.
words matched: buffers
Showing results 1 to 10 of 47