CLEAPSS Supporting practical science and technology
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Guidance on how to prepare bubble solution (bubble 'mixture').
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This guide demonstrates how to set up both a bubble and mass potometer.
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A set of risk assessed instructions for safely demonstrating this reaction.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
The explosion between hydrogen and oxygen, in the confines of a modern school laboratory, is extremely loud.A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is placed inside a syringe. The mixture is bubbled into soa.. more
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Detailed guidance and instructions for a way to measure the rate of photosynthesis in aquatic plants by measuring the number of oxygen bubble produced and their volume. The practical uses simple equip.. more
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This guide suggests species of pondweed that could be used for the bubbling pondweed experiment. It also offers tips for preparing and carrying out the practical.
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This document gives details of how to use a small scale small-scale Andrews apparatus (see also GL148 below) to  allow measurement of the time taken to collect the first bubble of gas produced by a re.. more
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The CLEAPSS Helpline receives a number of calls about the teaching of science practical work in non-lab environments. In the normal running of a school we advise against doing this due to additional r.. more
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A memorable activity where primary school children use dry ice and a range of scientific equipment to grow a mystical snake.
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This is a quick and simple procedure to produce and test these three common gases. The whole activity can be completed in a single lesson and offers pupils the chance to experience the well-known test.. more
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