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Guidance on whether and how to keep bees, temporarily or permanently in schools. Includes advice on stings and anaphylactic shock, and references to other organsations which can offer support
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This guide outlines methods for sampling and observing invertebrates in ecology. Methods are given for both on and off the school grounds.
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Instructions on how to make a holder for carbon rod electrodes.
words matched: bees
Safety, legal and environmental (where appropriate) advice on handling animals, both vertebrates and invertebrates, in science practical work.
words matched: bees
A brief summary of advice on dealing with farmed animals. Includes a number of useful references to other publications and organisations.
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This document contains wide ranging information on developing environmental areas in schools, from the initial planning stages through to environmental activities and classroom resources for when you ..
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Complete index for the Student Safety Sheets
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This edition includes notes on the Getting Practical project, sensible reasons for undertaking practical activities at open evenings, a frostbite incident when making dry ice, possible allergy issues ..
words matched: bees
This edition includes note on microscale chemistry. the disposal of dissection waste, Secure Your Chemicals, and the incoming GHS system for labelling chemicals. There are also a warning about a scien..
words matched: bees
Includes examples of requisition forms, policies, equipment booking sheets, checklists, task lists, stocklists, lab check lists and financial records. Accompanying Word versions (DL248b) and Excel ver..
words matched: bees
Showing results 1 to 10 of 15