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Risk assessment information for copper metal, copper carbonate, copper(I) oxide, copper(II) oxide and copper(II) sulfide.
words matched: basic, carbonate
Risk assessment guidance for using magnesium compounds, including magnesium carbonate hydroxide (basic carbonate), chlorate(VII) (perchlorate), chloride, nitrate, oxide, sulfate.
words matched: basic, carbonate
Includes information on: lead metal, lead(II) carbonates, lead(II) oxide, lead(IV) oxide, dilead(II) lead(IV) oxide (red lead) and lead(II) sulfide (galena).
words matched: basic, carbonate
Risk assessment guidance for nickel, nickel(II) carbonate and nickel(II) oxide.
words matched: basic, carbonate
Using copper metal, copper oxides, sulfate (VI), chloride, nitrate(V) and carbonate safely in practical work
words matched: basic, carbonate
Risk assessment guidance for zinc sulfate, zinc oxide, zinc carbonate and zinc sulfide.
words matched: basic, carbonate
Metal carbonates decompose at different temperatures to produce a metal oxide and carbon dioxide gas. This simple activity can be used for qualitative or quantitative activities.
words matched: basic, carbonate
This guidance is for restoration or disposal of the lead-pot wooden boxes that are commonly used for supplying and storing 'cup-style' sealed sources in school science departments.
words matched: basic, carbonate
An index to all the chemicals included in the 2016 Edition Hazcards and later updates. Includes Hazcard numbers and Recipe references.
words matched: basic, carbonate
Basic recipe for making agar, with additional details for making a range of agars used in science practicals, but not including those used in microbiology. (See GL229 for those).
words matched: basic, carbonate
Showing results 1 to 10 of 310