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Showing results 1 to 10 of 83
An updated method of staining gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria using basic equipment.
words matched: bacteria
Guidance on preparing the stains needed for gram staining - to distinguish between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
words matched: bacteria
A set of frequently-asked questions, and their answers, on school biology activities. Includes materials from butchers, cheek cell sampling; human body fluids, microbes and others.
words matched: bacteria
Important safety information for students doing practical microbiology.
words matched: bacteria
A straight forward method of how to serially dilute a bacterial broth, and grow colonies, for calculating population density.
words matched: bacteria
Health and safety advice on using a range of common disinfectants in practical activities.
words matched: bacteria
This guide outlines how to grow, use, store and dispose of Mucor hiemalis. This fungus is a suitable alternative to bacteria when practicing aseptic techniques.
words matched: bacteria
Outlines the most common cultures of
bacteria and fungi used in microbiology, and how to store cultures.
words matched: bacteria
The Directors update on a range of issues including Cat 5 taps and WRAS regulations, CLEAPSS
2015 Technician Training Programme, information on genetic modfication of bacteria, genetic analysis of
words matched: bacteria
Observing gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria using a microscope with oil immersion lens.
words matched: bacteria
Showing results 1 to 10 of 83