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Includes calcium chloride and fluoride.
words matched: anhydrous, calcium, chloride
Using magnesium and calcium chloride, sulfate and nitrate safely in practical work.
words matched: anhydrous, calcium, chloride
This edition includes a note from the director on CLEAPSS services, and other notes on Hazcards updates, no eating and drinking in the lab, recording risk assessments, buying Petri dishes, calcium oxi..
words matched: anhydrous, calcium, chloride
Guidance on how to prepare calcium salt solutions, including: calcium bromide, calcium chloride and calcium nitrate(V).
words matched: anhydrous, calcium, chloride
Silicon(IV) chloride, also known as silicon tetrachloride, is supplied in bottles where, over time, the top becomes dangerously stuck. This guide describes how to safely prepare the chemical in situ, ..
words matched: anhydrous, calcium, chloride
Risk assessment guidance for ethanoyl chloride and other acid chlorides.
words matched: anhydrous, calcium, chloride
Guidance on how to prepare cobalt (II) solutions and other cobalt(II)-containing reagents. Includes information on cobalt(II) chloride indicator papers (for moisture/humidity detection) and thermochro..
words matched: anhydrous, calcium, chloride
An index to all the chemicals included in the 2016 Edition Hazcards and later updates. Includes Hazcard numbers and Recipe references.
words matched: anhydrous, calcium, chloride
The flame test technique is very quick and simple method used in qualitative chemistry analysis to identify some of the metal ions.
words matched: anhydrous, calcium, chloride
Alginate beads are used to trap (immobilise) enzymes, yeast and algae. These immobilised beads can be recovered from experiments and re-used to reduce costs and save time.
words matched: anhydrous, calcium, chloride
Showing results 1 to 10 of 321