Latest Resources
Showing results 1 to 10 of 40
Health and safety advice on using bioreactors and fermenters safely in science practical work.
words matched: aerosol
A selection of useful words and abbreviations, and their meanings.
words matched: aerosol
Updated from section 14 of the CLEAPSS Handbook, this short guide describes how to safely collect, study and dispose of these two common human body fluids.
words matched: aerosol
Updated from section 14 of the CLEAPSS handbook, this gives considerable detail on how to set up and manage fermentations in school science. It includes sections of safety, suitable organisms, and on ..
words matched: aerosol
A tip for inflating lungs.
words matched: aerosol
Updated from section 14 in the CLEAPSS Handbook, this offers practical advice on obtaining and studying blood, including human blood. It describes safe procedures for taking human blood and dealing wi..
words matched: aerosol
Important safety information for students doing practical microbiology.
words matched: aerosol
Simple, illustrated advice on how to use a lung volume bag to measure tidal lung volume or the vital capacity of the lungs.
words matched: aerosol
Risk assessment guidance for Aluminium compounds: chlorides and bromides
words matched: aerosol
Risk assessment guidance for hydrochloric acid.
words matched: aerosol
Showing results 1 to 10 of 40