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The most common chemical storage concerns are to do with storing flammable and corrosive liquids, including the potential for flammable and other harmful vapours and the risk of fire and being overcom..
words matched: acid, cabinet
This edition includes notes on the HSE input to the annual CLEAPSS safety conference, managing ionising radiations, an incident with nital, problems with silicon tetrachloride, new flammables cabinets..
words matched: acid, cabinet
This edition includes notes on the introduction of Student Safety Sheets, a new standard for eye protection, a brief comparison between ducted and recirculatory fume cupboards, problems with (so-calle..
words matched: acid, cabinet
Preparing salts is a common activity at GCSE level, bringing together many useful skills. Making copper sulfate crystals (PP027), which involves making copper(II) sulfate from copper(II) oxide, is the..
words matched: acid, cabinet
The procedure uses many important skills suitable for post-16 students, including following instructions, safe use of chemicals and equipment, chromatography techniques, recrystallization and melting ..
words matched: acid, cabinet
This edition includes notes on asbestos issues in D&T dust extraction systems, the howling jelly baby demo, the publication 'Surely that's banned?', a leaking bottle of nitric acid, the change in ..
words matched: acid, cabinet
Hi Res version of the poster from Bulletin 169
words matched: acid, cabinet
This edition includes notes on an airgun incident in a school, examining autoclaves and pressure cookers, declining supplies of potassium and phosphorus, a theft of pestles from labs, and tips on cons..
words matched: acid, cabinet
The flame test technique is very quick and simple method used in qualitative chemistry analysis to identify some of the metal ions.
words matched: acid, cabinet
Effective stock management procedures will ensure that the state of chemical containers and their contents are checked on a regular basis: whenever a chemical is used and at least once a year during t..
words matched: acid, cabinet
Showing results 1 to 10 of 466