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CLEAPSS RPA Service Form RPA010: Application to join (Local Authority or MAT)
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RPA011. Application to become an approved CLEAPSS RPA service broker
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This guide is for organisations wishing to offer the CLEAPSS RPA service to schools and colleges. The service is limited to radioactive materials included within the scope of CLEAPSS guide L093. These..
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Details the role of RPAs within the CLEAPSS RPA Body
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In this terms issue :-From the director: Editorial COVID-19 UpdateCLEAPSS DocumentsUpdate to GL118, Making a GM counter unitCLEAPSS membership renewalsIdeas for knitted modelsAlgal ballsThe CLEAPSS RP..
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Any school or college wishing to join the CLEAPSS locally managed RPA service will need to provide a full an accurate list of all the radioactive materials they hold and form 1 is a convenient way to ..
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This guide replaces PS046a and PS046b and offers advice on radiation employers seeking to consult and appoint a radiation protection adviser (RPA).
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This edition includes some notes on CLEAPSS staffing, the RPA service, the dangers of jequirty beads, pressure cookers, the Home Office project 'Secure Your Chemicals', warnings about some lasers and ..
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This guide assembles, in one booklet, information about the purpose of CLEAPSS and the services it offers and is likely to be useful to members and those thinking of becoming members.
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RPA030: Advice from the RPA to the RPO
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Showing results 1 to 10 of 283