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Showing results 1 to 10 of 340
Instructions on how to make a low cost Arduino pressure sensor. See accompanying zip file GL248a for the Arduino code.
words matched: Pressure, sensor
A straightforward investigation using simple equipment which will allow students to confirm Boyle's law.
words matched: Pressure, sensor
Students have to learn about the gas laws, how properties such as pressure, volume, temperature, and amount of a gas change with respect to each other. With commonly-accessible bits of kit, it is poss..
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Health and safety advice for practical work involving exercise, breathing and blood pressure monitoring
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The zip folder contains the Arduino code for the pressure sensor detailed in GL248 Make-it guide - Arduino pressure sensor.
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This can be used for gas law experiments such as the P-V relationship (Boyle’s Law) or the P-T relationship (Pressure Law).
words matched: Pressure, sensor
Gives guidance on general fieldwork including specific measurements and techniques. Detailed guidance is included on measuring substances in the soil, water and air, and electronic measurements such a..
words matched: Pressure, sensor
Using the CLEAPSS website, LOcHER (HSE) Project, Biology Adviser : WANTED, Pressure vessels update, PP's & PX's, ordering new Hazcards, the new L93 guide, exploring space, CLEAPSS Futureminds maga..
words matched: Pressure, sensor
Editorial : keeping it safe and exciting balancing risk, GL263 CLEAPSS filming guide, Technicians Training Programme 2019, Pondweed and alternatives, waste disposal EA duty of care, more information o..
words matched: Pressure, sensor
Explains what is meant by environmental monitoring, and the range of equipment available. Describes in detail each of the parameters which can be monitored including possible difficulties. Also descri..
words matched: Pressure, sensor
Showing results 1 to 10 of 340