Latest Resources
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Practical activities for pupils at home during extended periods of school closure
words matched: home, Practical, work
Editorial; Why do we do practical work?, Developing the role of practical work in science, managing egg collections, soldering (no further use of lead), pupils in prep rooms, gloves update, pupils con..
words matched: home, Practical, work
Guide to doing practical work during the COVID-19 Pandemic – Science
words matched: home, Practical, work
A training pack for tutors/mentors working with trainee and early career science teachers: Activity handoutsThe development of these resources was supported by funding from the Gatsby Foundation.
words matched: home, Practical, work
A training pack for tutors/mentors working with trainee and early career science teachers: Tutors notes.The development of these resources was supported by funding from the Gatsby Foundation
words matched: home, Practical, work
- From the Director (the importance of practical work)- Return to school September 2020 guidance- Keeping your membership up to date- Alternatives to cheek cells- Food tests- Chemical store poster (go..
words matched: home, Practical, work
In this term's issue: From the Director.. CLEAPSS is on the MOVEGetting in touch with CLEAPSSCOVID-19 Update - Returning to practical workafter COVIDBiological samplingNew practical procedures for ion..
words matched: home, Practical, work
A training pack for tutors/mentors working with trainee and early career science teachers: Main presentation.The development of these resources was supported by funding from the Gatsby Foundation.
words matched: home, Practical, work
Bulletin 180 - Summer 2024, in this terms edition :-- Directors editorial- The value of practical work with Dr Ajay Sharman- New methods of staining in biology- Sampling in biology- MiSAC competition ..
words matched: home, Practical, work
*Please note due to the fact that schools are currently closed we are not posting out a copy of this Bulletin. We will review this when schools re-open.In this edition of the Bulletin :-- Editorial- M..
words matched: home, Practical, work
Showing results 1 to 10 of 883