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Showing results 1 to 10 of 268
Guidance on how to prepare indicators (acid-base).
words matched: Phenol, red
Using common dyes and indicators safely in practical activities. Many such compounds , or their solvents, are hazardous but are used in such small amounts and in a very controlled way so as to limit e..
words matched: Phenol, red
Describes and explains the various spectra which are used to identify chemicals. Provides data on the infra red, magnetic resonance, mass and UV spectra for a range of common organics substances.
words matched: Phenol, red
This edition includes notes on the safe use of IT projectors, portable electrical equipment testing, a phenol burn ,an inapprorpate gas cartridge for a lab burner, and problems with practical activiti..
words matched: Phenol, red
An invaluable practical guide on how to safely undertake a range of visually and intellectually appealing chemical reactions. Includes alternatives to some traditional activities such as the thermit r..
words matched: Phenol, red
Risk assessment guidance for dyes, indicators and stains.
words matched: Phenol, red
Complete index for the Student Safety Sheets
words matched: Phenol, red
Index to currently published guidance on the preparation of specific solutions and other reagents. Includes a summary Contents List giving the dates of the most recent versions of recipes. Note: this ..
words matched: Phenol, red
An extensive range of reference tables and data covering everything from atomic masses to unit conversion.
words matched: Phenol, red
An index to all the chemicals included in the 2016 Edition Hazcards and later updates. Includes Hazcard numbers and Recipe references.
words matched: Phenol, red
Showing results 1 to 10 of 268