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All your questions about individual logins answered
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This edition includes notes on refurbishing new laboratories, REACH, primary liaison activities; transporting chemicals, oxygen gas supplies, a problem with sulphur trioxide, and a technicians tip on ..
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This edition includes notes on the, then, new Hazardous Waste Regulations, the updated Workplace Exposure Limits, and tips on using broke burettes, and storing pH meters.
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Spring 2025 Bulletin- Directors Editorial - Updates on your individual log in's- Magnificent ways to make the most ofyour microscopes- UV Glow- Slime once again- Stopping half way with Aspirin- Guidan..
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This edition includes notes on a DfES consultation on the registration of radioactive materials in schools, a exploding 'pop' bottle, spirit burners, CLEAPSS support for a school successfully resistin..
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This edition includes notes on a serious accident which happened to an inexperienced teacher, exploding spirit burners, drinking bottled water in science lessons, and an accident during an open eveni..
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This edition includes notes on the HSE input to the annual CLEAPSS safety conference, managing ionising radiations, an incident with nital, problems with silicon tetrachloride, new flammables cabinets..
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This edition includes notes on a report on new and refurbished laboratories, an alternative to hiring cylinders of gases, the replacement of the fire regulations, new equipment to demonstrate radioact..
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Bulletin 181 - Autumn 2024- Updates from the Director- Individual log in to CLEAPSS- Getting started in Biology- New dissection guides- Ready for microbiology- 2025 MiSAC competition- Chemical securit..
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This is the last of the old-style Bulletins. It includes notes on designing new science facilities, an accident with the howling jelly baby demo, using protective gloves, purchasing IDA, and iroko wor..
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Showing results 1 to 10 of 326