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Showing results 1 to 10 of 271
Risk assessment guidance for using magnesium compounds, including magnesium carbonate hydroxide (basic carbonate), chlorate(VII) (perchlorate), chloride, nitrate, oxide, sulfate.
words matched: Magnesium, Oxide
Brief risk assessment guidance and experimental notes for a range of activities involving copper metal, copper(I) oxide, copper(II) oxide, copper carbonate and copper(II) sulfide (Hazcard 26).
words matched: Magnesium, Oxide
Brief risk assessment guidance and experimental notes for a range of activities involving magnesium metal and magnesium compounds (Hazcards 59A and 59B).
words matched: Magnesium, Oxide
Using magnesium and calcium safely in science practical activities.
words matched: Magnesium, Oxide
This practical illustrates the idea that oxygen has mass, and that burning can involve an increase in mass as an element reacts to become an oxide. The activity also introduces the idea that the relat..
words matched: Magnesium, Oxide
This edition includes a note from the director on CLEAPSS services, and other notes on Hazcards updates, no eating and drinking in the lab, recording risk assessments, buying Petri dishes, calcium oxi..
words matched: Magnesium, Oxide
Includes information on: lead metal, lead(II) carbonates, lead(II) oxide, lead(IV) oxide, dilead(II) lead(IV) oxide (red lead) and lead(II) sulfide (galena).
words matched: Magnesium, Oxide
Risk assessment information for nitrogen oxides. Includes dinitrogen monoxide (nitrous oxide), nitrogen monoxide (nitric oxide), nitrogen dioxide and dinitrogen tetroxide.
words matched: Magnesium, Oxide
Risk assessment information for copper metal, copper carbonate, copper(I) oxide, copper(II) oxide and copper(II) sulfide.
words matched: Magnesium, Oxide
Using silver metal, silver bromide, chloride, iodide, nitrate (V) and oxide safely in practical work.
words matched: Magnesium, Oxide
Showing results 1 to 10 of 271