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Showing results 1 to 10 of 49
Simple, illustrated advice on how to use a lung volume bag to measure tidal lung volume or the vital capacity of the lungs.
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A tip for inflating lungs.
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This guide demonstrates the best way to examine, inflate and dissect lungs. This guide shows how significant organs sit in relation to each other in a pluck.
words matched: Lungs
Updated from section 14 of the CLEAPSS Handbook, this guide suggests equipment and devices which can be used in breathing investigations. It includes a quite detailed appendix on using a traditional s..
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A set of frequently-asked questions, and their answers, on school biology activities. Includes materials from butchers, cheek cell sampling; human body fluids, microbes and others.
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This guide contains a comparison table to help you choose suitable material for dissecting.
words matched: Lungs
Body parts is a set of coloured drawings including an outline human body and some of the major internal organs. It can be used to teach the position of and relationships between these organs.This Word..
words matched: Lungs
A cigarette burning is an example of incomplete combustion of a complex mix of chemicals, wheremany of the products are toxic. This demonstration should reinforce the message that during smoking,even ..
words matched: Lungs
A diagrammatic guide on how to get started with dissection, outlining the key actions with links to associated guidance.
words matched: Lungs
Here in draft format is our collection of knitting patterns, for various body parts.
words matched: Lungs
Showing results 1 to 10 of 49