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CLEAPSS RPA Service Form RPA010: Application to join (Local Authority or MAT)
words matched: Authorities, Local
The Health and Safety at Work Act and subsequent Regulations require employers to protect their employees by, for example, providing safe working conditions, information & training for health and ..
words matched: Authorities, Local
If your school is becoming an academy then you may find that some services you have been used to, such as CLEAPSS membership, are no longer available to you. This guide provides various ways to contin..
words matched: Authorities, Local
This document is an extract from Education in Science number 245 from the Association for Science Education. It provides useful information on the health and safety matters that need to be considered ..
words matched: Authorities, Local
Includes model codes of practice for science in primary and secondary schools. Explains the value of an employer's code of practice and what it might include.
words matched: Authorities, Local
This guide is for organisations wishing to offer the CLEAPSS RPA service to schools and colleges. The service is limited to radioactive materials included within the scope of CLEAPSS guide L093. These..
words matched: Authorities, Local
This Note is designed to inform Education Authorities, education and training providers, manufacturers, importers and suppliers of chemicals used in the teaching of practical chemistry, and sets out t..
words matched: Authorities, Local
This document sets out intended functions of CLEAPSS, and the procedural rules of membership and governance on which CLEAPSS is organised and run.
words matched: Authorities, Local
This brief document covers the full range of employer's responsibilities in health and safety as they might apply to a school science department. Includes policies, risk assessment, radioactivity, che..
words matched: Authorities, Local
Want to know what CLEAPSS is and what it does? Then read this short guide.
words matched: Authorities, Local
Showing results 1 to 10 of 238