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Showing results 1 to 10 of 316
All your questions about individual logins answered
words matched: administrator, List
Describes the skills and expertise that technicians often bring to their job, and how schools can make the best use of these by providing job satisfaction, including an adequate salary.
words matched: administrator, List
The zip folder contains the software necessary to use the CLEAPSS USB counter module. The full instructions for making the module can be found in Guide GL118. To run the software, you need to download..
words matched: administrator, List
Playing with Fire: Chemical Safety Expertise Required - A research paper by Samuella B. Sigmann Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina 28608, United States.ABSTRACT: Over the past 20 year..
words matched: administrator, List
Advice on the hazard classifications of common chemical solutions, and what to put on labels for laboratory use, now including details on how to re-label old (CHIP4) bottles.
words matched: administrator, List
This brief document covers the full range of employer's responsibilities in health and safety as they might apply to a school science department. Includes policies, risk assessment, radioactivity, che..
words matched: administrator, List
Everything for the beginner, including buying, setting up, and using a camera in all sorts of laboratory situations, with practical examples.
words matched: administrator, List
The following list of contractors is not an ‘approved’ list, but ones we know will deal with 2,4-DNP(H), and other such explosive chemicals in schools.
words matched: List
A regularly-updated list of companies who will repair and service electronic balances.
words matched: List
A regularly-updated list of companies which will repair and service microscopes
words matched: List
Showing results 1 to 10 of 316