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Showing results 1 to 10 of 151
Promotes the use of microscale (very small scale) practical activities by describing and explaining equipment and techniques used. Illustrates these with instructions for several common organic chemi..
words matched: kit, Lancaster
Briefly explains the legislative basis for annual fume cupboard testing and the equipment needed to undertake the test. Also includes a regularly-updated list of contractors who will test fume cupboar..
words matched: kit, Lancaster
This edition includes notes on the theft of glassware from labs, calibrating air flow meters, and unsupported claims for plumbed-in eyewash stations in labs.
words matched: kit, Lancaster
Although published some time ago, this guide offers lots of practical information about how to teach aspects of the Earth in Space. Includes the position of the Sun, day and night, months and years, r..
words matched: kit, Lancaster
Useful addresses, chemical hazard and storage data and a list of acronyms used throughout the guide and elsewhere on the CLEAPSS website.
words matched: kit, Lancaster
In this edition are notes on the supply of cheap but poor quality chemicals, poor quality Bunsen burners, relocating chemicals during and after a refurbishment, a useful technician tip on a way of tem..
words matched: kit
Students have to learn about the gas laws, how properties such as pressure, volume, temperature, and amount of a gas change with respect to each other. With commonly-accessible bits of kit, it is poss..
words matched: kit
A simple Excel spreadsheet to use alongside our own Plancks constant kit (GL158).
words matched: kit
Make your own pendulum waves kit
words matched: kit
3D Printed DC motor video
words matched: kit
Showing results 1 to 10 of 151