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Guidance on the preparation of lactophenol blue. This is used to stain fungi.
words matched: blue, Lactophenol
This guide looks at how to extract, stain, and observe the fungal hyphae of Mucor hiemalis. This method uses lactophenol blue to stain the fungal samples.
words matched: blue, Lactophenol
This video demonstrates how to take a sample of the fungus Mucor hiemalis, stain it, then observe the structures under a microscope.
words matched: blue, Lactophenol
A diagrammatic guide on how to get started with microscopy, outlining the key actions with links to associated guidance.
words matched: blue, Lactophenol
Please note: This is a temporary resource providing a summary Contents List of all recipe sheets published to date. RB 000 is a working document, subject to frequent changes as our guidance is update..
words matched: blue, Lactophenol
Index to currently published guidance on the preparation of specific solutions and other reagents. Includes a summary Contents List giving the dates of the most recent versions of recipes. Note: this ..
words matched: blue, Lactophenol
An extensive range of reference tables and data covering everything from atomic masses to unit conversion.
words matched: blue, Lactophenol
Guidance on the preparation of toluidine blue. This is used for staining plant material and chromosomes.
words matched: blue
Guidance on the preparation of methylene blue solutions for different applications. Methylene blue is used as an indicator for redox reactions e.g. respiration, and stains for cells.
words matched: blue
The blue bottle reaction is a simple demonstration of a redox reaction, with obvious colour changes. It can also be used as an introduction to reaction kinetics, including the role of temperature on r..
words matched: blue
Showing results 1 to 10 of 240