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An invaluable practical guide on how to safely undertake a range of visually and intellectually appealing chemical reactions. Includes alternatives to some traditional activities such as the thermit r.. more
words matched: air, burning, exploding, Hydrogen

Members only resource Click to download Document.
A mixture of hydrogen and air is prepared in a small plastic ‘fizzy drinks’ bottle and then ignited, so that the bottle travels, rocket-like, some distance.
words matched: air, burning, exploding, Hydrogen

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In this edition are notes on the supply of cheap but poor quality chemicals, poor quality Bunsen burners, relocating chemicals during and after a refurbishment, a useful technician tip on a way of tem.. more
words matched: air, burning, exploding, Hydrogen

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes notes on the new Hazcards, an exploding container of hydrogen peroxide,  fume cupboard sash windows; a problem with a Van de Graaff generator and an interactive whiteboard, and g.. more
words matched: air, burning, exploding, Hydrogen

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This edition includes notes on a DfES consultation on the registration of radioactive materials in schools, a exploding 'pop' bottle, spirit burners, CLEAPSS support for a school successfully resistin.. more
words matched: air, burning, exploding, Hydrogen

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Instructions, including risk assessed control measures, for safely demonstrating the explosive burning of a 1:2 methane/oxygen mixture.
words matched: air, burning, exploding, Hydrogen

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Testing for common gases is included in most chemistry courses. In this procedure students make their own sample of hydrogen gas to test.
words matched: air, burning, exploding, Hydrogen

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Health and safety advice on using alkali metals in science practical activities. Includes lithium, sodium & potassium.
words matched: air, burning, exploding, Hydrogen

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We have updated and revised our guidance in light of the 2014 Explosives Regulations. These do change what schools are able to do in Science.We have worked closely with experts in the explosives indus.. more
words matched: air, burning, exploding, Hydrogen

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This procedure is required by every examination specification, as it illustrates the change in reactivity in Group 1 of the Periodic Table. However, the reaction between sodium and potassium with wate.. more
words matched: air, burning, exploding, Hydrogen

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