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Showing results 1 to 10 of 379
Extracted and refreshed from section 12 of the Handbook, contains information on demonstrating the energy loss during electricity transmission, and how this can be reduced.
words matched: High, Voltages
Essential health and safety advice for practical work using mains, low voltage (ac and dc), and static electricity.
words matched: High, Voltages
Originally in Section 6 of the CLEAPSS Handbook, this brief document describes the major hazards associated with mains electricity, and how to avoid them.
words matched: High, Voltages
You can demonstrate that hot glass is an electrical conductor (hot glass is actually an example of a solid electrolyte). This is counterintuitive because at room temperature, glass is a good electrica..
words matched: High, Voltages
Guidance on buying low-voltage power supplies for use by students up to GCSE and at A Level.
words matched: High, Voltages
Guidance on general laboratory equipment including low voltage supplies, magnifiers, meters, micrometer screw gauges, microscopes, pumps, thermometers, timers, tubing and volume measurement.
words matched: High, Voltages
This guide relates to circuit work carried out by students and teachers constructing electrical circuits that involve accessible uninsulated conductors and connectors
words matched: High, Voltages
Straight forward guidance on the safe use of EHT power supplies, including identifying the various coloured connectors found on common school power supplies
words matched: High, Voltages
This guide was updated and renamed in June 2018. It is a short guide often used to accompany CLEAPSS training on portable appliance testing (PAT). Describes the rules for electrical testing and the pr..
words matched: High, Voltages
Simple, brief guidance on the safe use of these power supplies in schools.
words matched: High, Voltages
Showing results 1 to 10 of 379