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Showing results 1 to 10 of 384
A demonstration of how to set up and use respirometers to measure aerobic respiration in small invertebrates.
words matched: apparatus, Barcroft, Dixon
This list was produced with support from the SCORE to provide schools with a benchmark list of equipment necessary to teach effective practical science. The spread sheet is explained in an accompanyin..
words matched: apparatus, Barcroft, Dixon
Guidance and information on a range of biology topics and equipment such as microbiology, tissue culture, biology teaching models, plants, seeds and pesticides, ponds, preserved specimens, respiromete..
words matched: apparatus, Barcroft, Dixon
Using the CLEAPSS website, LOcHER (HSE) Project, Biology Adviser : WANTED, Pressure vessels update, PP's & PX's, ordering new Hazcards, the new L93 guide, exploring space, CLEAPSS Futureminds maga..
words matched: apparatus, Dixon
Useful addresses, chemical hazard and storage data and a list of acronyms used throughout the guide and elsewhere on the CLEAPSS website.
words matched: apparatus, Dixon
Technicians really DO matter, chemicals in the wrong container, microbiology update, transition ideas (not being a TV presenter), new labels for gloves, IDA record keeping, fume cupboard testing, Nort..
words matched: apparatus, Dixon
Instructions on how to make apparatus to demonstrate Lenz's law.
words matched: apparatus
Easy to make apparatus for investigating Boyle's Law.
words matched: apparatus
Instructions on how to make microscale electrolysis apparatus.
words matched: apparatus
Instructions on how to make gas preparation apparatus.
words matched: apparatus
Showing results 1 to 10 of 384