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In this term's issue: From the Director.. CLEAPSS is on the MOVEGetting in touch with CLEAPSSCOVID-19 Update - Returning to practical workafter COVIDBiological samplingNew practical procedures for ion.. more
words matched: analysis, Chemical

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The additional negative ions test tube reactions for nitrate(III), nitrate(V), sulfate(IV), phosphate and carboxylates (methanoate and ethanoate).
words matched: analysis, Chemical

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The Directors update on a range of issues including Cat 5 taps and WRAS regulations, CLEAPSS 2015 Technician Training Programme, information on genetic modfication of bacteria, genetic analysis of .. more
words matched: analysis, Chemical

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The common negative ions, carbonate (CO32-), sulfate(VI) (SO42-) and the halides (Cl–, Br– and I–) can be simply tested for in test tube reactions. The method described here uses a more dilute ammo.. more
words matched: analysis, Chemical

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Testing for positive ions: reactions with hydroxides and ammonia. This microscale practical is carried out on a worksheet that is laminated or placed in a plastic wallet. The method minimises the use .. more
words matched: analysis, Chemical

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Common anions are tested on a plastic covered worksheet, for quick easy disposal. Using solutions with minimum concentrations allows closer observations and initiates talking points. Students can phot.. more
words matched: analysis, Chemical

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A microscale activity which demonstrates a number of chemical reaction with ammonia. Because this is microscale, quantities of chemicals used are tiny,  making disposal and clearing up very easy.
words matched: analysis, Chemical

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Describes and explains the various spectra which are used to identify chemicals. Provides data on the infra red, magnetic resonance, mass and UV spectra for a range of common organics substances.
words matched: analysis, Chemical

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This Note is designed to inform Education Authorities, education and training providers, manufacturers, importers and suppliers of chemicals used in the teaching of practical chemistry, and sets out t.. more
words matched: analysis, Chemical

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Guidance on how to prepare Benedict's quantitative solution. This is used for the quantitative analysis of reducing sugars. 
words matched: analysis, Chemical

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