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Showing results 1 to 10 of 163
A simple method of observing animal cells using liver. A great alternative to cheek cells.
words matched: Cells
This guide gives general advice to technicians/ teachers about using haemocytometers for precise cell counts, and CLEAPSS microquadrat for counting cells and studying microhabitats.
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A safe, simple procedure to investigate this important property of electrical cells.
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An alternative protocol for staining blood smears.
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Components of blood can be stained and viewed using this protocol.
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A simple investigation, with clear procedural advice, on looking at how chemicals affect the cytoplasm of red onion epidermal cells.
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A straight forward method using a low risk stain for observing mitosis in garlic root tip cells.
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Guidance on general laboratory equipment including balances, barometers, calorimeters, cells and batteries, centrifuges, spirit burners and other heating equipment, steam engines, gas cylinders and ge..
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Instructions on how to make an electrolysis cell.
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Guidance on how to prepare Leishman’s stain. This is used for staining red and white blood cells in a blood smear.
words matched: Cells
Showing results 1 to 10 of 163