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Guidance on buying microscopes for use by students up to GCSE and at A Level.
words matched: Buying, Guide

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Guidance on buying ducted and re-circulatory filtration fume cupboards.
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Guidance on buying portable autoclave and pressure cookers.
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Guidance on buying electronic balances for use by students up to GCSE and at A Level.
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Guidance on buying low-voltage power supplies for use by students up to GCSE and at A Level.
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Brief but essential guidance on what to look for when buying a digital miutimeter (DMM)
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
A short overview of the common methods of water purification in school laboratories, include pros and cons. This will be useful for any teacher or technician looking to buy a new water purification sy.. more
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Members only resource Click to download Document.
Directors editorial, Hazcards 2017 update, changes to the Ionising Radiation Regulations, Good Practical Science - the Gatsby Foundation report, dealing with 'Acid' attacks, IRM vs First Aid, more pro.. more
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Tripods are most often used as supports for gauzes so that containers such as glass beakers and evaporating basins etc can be heated from beneath using a Bunsen burner. Iron or stainless-steel gauzes .. more
words matched: Buying, Guide

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Eye protection needs to be worn when there is a risk of injury to the eyes. Not all activities pose such risks, but for those that do, the type of eye protection needed depends on the nature and sever.. more
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