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Showing results 1 to 10 of 187
Guidance on how to prepare and use of DNSA (or DNS) reagent for reducing sugars. The reagent may be used qualitatively or quantitatively (colorimetric method).
words matched: Benedict’s, reagent
A simple method for identifying reducing sugars using chromatography. The reducing sugars need to be stained with Benedict’s reagent to reveal the spots after the run.
words matched: Benedict’s, reagent
Guidance on how to prepare Sandell's solution. This reagent may be used to test for aldehydes and is a safer alternative to Fehling's for testing for reducing sugars.
words matched: Benedict’s, reagent
Guidance on how to prepare Benedict’s qualitative solution. This is used to qualitatively test for reducing sugars e.g. glucose, via a colour change.
words matched: Benedict’s, reagent
Guidance on how to prepare Benedict's quantitative solution. This is used for the quantitative analysis of reducing sugars.
words matched: Benedict’s, reagent
This document explains how to carry out a circus of qualitative food tests for:carbohydratesstarch – iodine testreducing sugars - Benedict’s testnon-reducing sugars – hydrolysis then Benedict’s test p..
words matched: Benedict’s, reagent
Index to currently published guidance on the preparation of specific solutions and other reagents. Includes a summary Contents List giving the dates of the most recent versions of recipes. Note: this ..
words matched: Benedict’s, reagent
Although both aldehydes and ketones contain the carbonyl functional group (-C=O), only aldehydes give a positive test (formation of an orange to brick-red precipitate of copper(I) oxide) with Fehling’..
words matched: Benedict’s, reagent
Although both aldehydes and ketones contain the carbonyl functional group (-C=O), only aldehydes (or reducing sugars) give a positive ‘silver mirror’ test result with Tollen’s reagent. This small-scal..
words matched: Benedict’s, reagent
Provides detailed instructions for a simple practical which illustrates some of the working of the gut. Uses sucrose as the starting substrate and DNS reagent or glucose testing strips to identify the..
words matched: Benedict’s, reagent
Showing results 1 to 10 of 187