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The Health and Safety at Work Act and subsequent Regulations require employers to protect their employees by, for example, providing safe working conditions, information & training for health and .. more
words matched: Art, design

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This model logbook is designed for a school science department, to ensure the basic checks and records are in place for these safety-critical devices. Fume cupboards are often supplied with an operato.. more
words matched: Art, design

Free resource Click to download Document.
This guide outlines the services and benefits available to science, D&T, art or health and safety advisers who become individual associate members of CLEAPSS as well as details of how to join.
words matched: Art, design

Members only resource Click to download Document.
Includes notes on the hazards of borax when making slime, issues with laboratory taps, the laboratory gas supply, the design of new or refurbished science facilities, and an incident with hydrogen per.. more
words matched: Art, design

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This is the last of the old-style Bulletins. It includes notes on designing new science facilities, an accident with the howling jelly baby demo, using protective gloves, purchasing IDA, and iroko wor.. more
words matched: Art, design

Members only resource Click to download Document.
This is a collection of what a teacher’s lesson risk assessment could look like.It must be stressed these are examples, and not templates. Teachers and heads of department will need to decide for them.. more
words matched: Art, design

Members only resource Click to download Document.
The directors update on changes to A Levels & GCSEs, accessing CLEAPSS training - changing times, examining pressure cookers and autoclaves, CLP June 2015 update, where do you keep your biolog.. more
words matched: Art, design

Free resource Click to download Document.
This is a short document explaining the benefits of joining CLEAPSS.Joining details can be found in the membership section of the site, or by contacting the office.
words matched: Art, design

Free resource Click to download Document.
In the absence of CLEAPSS membership the employer, be it the governors or trustees, must consider how to fulfil aspects of the Health and Safety at Work Act and its subsequent regulations. This guide .. more
words matched: Art, design

Free resource Click to download Document.
This guide assembles, in one booklet, information about the purpose of CLEAPSS and the services it offers and is likely to be useful to members and those thinking of becoming members.
words matched: Art, design

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