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Showing results 1 to 10 of 104
As well as some basic information on using agar in microbiology, this document includes recipes for over 20 different, commonly-used microbiological agars.
words matched: Agar
Guidance outlining the different types of indicator used for making agar cubes for diffusion. It covers how to prepare, use and store the agar.
words matched: Agar
A tip for making agar cubes.
words matched: Agar
Outlines how to prepare for pouring, pouring and storing
agar plates, and making slopes.
words matched: Agar
A straight forward method investigating how antimicrobial chemicals affect the growth of Mucor hiemalis on Malt Extract Agar plates
words matched: Agar
Basic recipe for making agar, with additional details for making a range of agars used in science practicals, but not including those used in microbiology. (See GL229 for those.)
words matched: Agar
This edition includes the director's thoughts on the value of practical work and notes on risk assessments, apparently bargain price school chemicals, using chemical rockets, disposal of microbiology ..
words matched: Agar
A straight forward method of how to serially dilute a bacterial broth, and grow colonies, for calculating population density.
words matched: Agar
A simple practical activity to discover the diversity of microbes
swabbed from suitable locations.
words matched: Agar
A list of key terms used in microbiology.
words matched: Agar
Showing results 1 to 10 of 104