CLEAPSS Supporting practical science and technology
CLEAPSS Cookie Policy
About CLEAPSS Cookies

Many websites, including our website (, use tiny text files called cookies that we store on your browser or on the hard drive of your computer. We use cookies to help us improve your experience while browsing our site. The Cookies used by this website are detailed below* and simply enable us to 'remember' that you're logged in allowing you to access documents and services that are only available to registered users.

CLEAPSS does not use cookies to collect any further user identifiable information.

What if you don't want to allow cookies?

Most browsers will allow you to block some or all cookies, and to delete cookies that have already been set. While our website will still work if you choose these settings, you will not be able to access any of the members only content or additional services until cookies are enabled.

If you are concerned about general privacy when browsing the web but still want to access CLEAPSS content then you may be able to add an exception to the rule for CLEAPSS and other sites that you trust.

Changing your cookie settings

For further information on managing cookies please refer to the links below:

Cookies used by CLEAPSS

For further information on managing cookies please refer to the links below:
  • cookiesEnabled - this cookie is used by our server to determine whether cookies are currently allowed by your browser. It contains a randomly generated string of numbers and letters and is deleted immediately when you log in, close your browser or after five minutes (whichever is sooner).
  • cleapssSession - this cookie is added to your browser once you have successfully logged in. It contains a unique key that allows our server to identify you as a securely logged in user and will allow you access to our members only resources. If you have clicked 'Remember Me' then this cookie will remain on the hard drive of your computer until your membership to CLEAPSS expires, and will continue to give you access to the members content.
  • userSession - if you have logged on using a personal or institution login and password then our server will use this cookie to identify your personal account and will allow access to your 'My CLEAPSS' resources in addition to the members resources mentioned above. Your personal information is not stored in the cookie and your identity can only be determined by our server. In order to protect your privacy, this cookie will expire after 15 minutes of inactivity, or when you close your browser.