CLEAPSS Supporting practical science and technology
Ethanol- HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) - Application Form
You need an authorisation to purchase IDA.

If you already have one which includes the quantity you purchase annually, even if it was made out for ‘Industrial methylated spirits’ (IMS, the previous name for this product), you do not need to reapply unless:- 

Your school details (name and/or address) have changed.

From this link, choose Section 19 

Application for authorisation to receive and use IDA or TSDA.

Follow the link to form DA1. 

Complete the form online as instructed, choosing either ‘Receive and use Industrial Denatured Alcohol (IDA)’ or ‘Multi-site authorisation to receive and use IDA or TSDA’ as appropriate.

When asked ‘Type of business or activity’, answer with the code ‘8’ and for ‘Details of how the IDA will be used’, state ‘Education’.

At the end, print the form (you may need to enable pop-ups in the Preview) then ask a member of senior management to sign and date it before sending the form off to HMRC Excise Processing Teams, BX9 1GL.

There is no charge for this service.