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Risk assessment information for the elements mercury and cadmium.
words matched: mercury, monitoring
This edition includes notes on sensible activities for open days for primary-aged pupils, the Getting Practical project, a spark counter for radioactivity practicals, rare earth (neodymium) magnets, a..
words matched: mercury, monitoring
Explains what is meant by environmental monitoring, and the range of equipment available. Describes in detail each of the parameters which can be monitored including possible difficulties. Also descri..
words matched: mercury, monitoring
Advice for teachers of the new Science A level courses, plants for photosynthesis practicals, latest updates to the faulty Bunsen burners story, how to safely view the transit of Mercury, disposal of ..
words matched: mercury, monitoring
General chemical safety information. Includes chemical names and formulae, with instructions for making common dilute solutions, general advice on storage, handling and disposal as well as guidance on..
words matched: mercury, monitoring
Health and safety advice for practical work involving exercise, breathing and blood pressure monitoring
words matched: mercury, monitoring
This guide assembles, in one booklet, information about the purpose of CLEAPSS and the services it offers and is likely to be useful to members and those thinking of becoming members.
words matched: mercury, monitoring
The ‘shelf-life’ of a reagent depends on its chemical properties, how it is stored and how frequently the container is opened, thus exposing the reagent to air, moisture and other contaminants. Over t..
words matched: mercury, monitoring
The CLEAPSS Membership Charter sets out what Associate members can expect from CLEAPSS as well as outlining the conditions of membership. This document should be read in conjuction with the CLEAPSS Co..
words matched: mercury, monitoring
This edition includes notes on fume cupboard testing, working safely with wood dusts, not using mains-powered open wire radiant heaters, dissecting butchers' bits, an introduction to microscale chemis..
words matched: mercury, monitoring
Showing results 1 to 10 of 255